Library Guidelines and Procedures

Community Use of the Library



2022世界杯买球盘口图书馆除了服务外,还为科林县的居民服务 2022世界杯买球盘口学生、教职员工的信息和研究需求. Such service is guided by the following:

  • 2022世界杯买球盘口图书馆的首要任务是为教育服务 of Collin College students, faculty and staff.
    • 图书馆电脑和2022世界杯买球盘口的Wi-Fi对社区用户不可用
  • 2022世界杯买球盘口图书馆的执行董事将作为一个团体决定是否 为科林县社区顾客提供特殊服务是可行的 制约了图书馆满足2022世界杯买球盘口学生需求的能力, faculty, and staff.
  • 社区用户对知识自由有同样的责任和权利 as do Collin College students, faculty and staff.
  • 未成年人(16岁以下)必须在任何时候陪同进入图书馆 by an adult (a person 18 or older). Minors left unattended will be reported to Campus Police.
  • 家长有责任监督未成年子女使用图书馆服务 and materials.



  • 柯林县目前年满16岁的居民有资格申请 a library card. Proof of residency is required. Proof of residency is shown by the 居民的科林县地址,驾照,最近的水电费账单或其他 form of government documentation.
  • Library cards will not be issued to any person under the age of 16.



  • 借阅人有责任按时、完好地归还资料.
    • 读者如未按时归还资料,须支付逾期费用.
    • 出于礼貌,图书馆将尝试及时发送逾期通知 by e-mail or text message.
  • 读者有责任到借阅台报失或损坏图书.
    • 本馆恕不接受更换个人购买的资料.
  • 借款人必须支付损坏或丢失物品的费用,外加处理费.
  • 借阅者有责任将遗失或遗失的图书通知流通部 stolen library card.
  • 除使用借书证的读者外,其他任何人的借书证将不获签发 accepted.
  • 借款人有责任通知流通部有关更改的资料 name, physical address, telephone number or e-mail address.
  • 借方个人物品、设备无人看管,自行负责 in the library.




Checkout Procedures

  • 读者须出示柯林书院社区图书证,方可办理所有借阅手续.
  • 读者如有逾期或未付的罚款及收费,恕不接纳 to check out materials.
  • 电脑、计算器、笔记本电脑、自习室、Wi-Fi、所有储备资料等 设备不提供给社区顾客,只保留给2022世界杯买球盘口使用 student use.
  • 截止日期不包括假期和科林大学校园关闭的其他日子. The library reserves the right to recall any materials.
  • 期刊和参考资料不流通,只能在图书馆内使用.


Checkout Limits by Material Type Loan Period
Audio Books 3 3 weeks
Books 5 3 weeks
Music CDs 3 3 weeks
Software 3 3 weeks
Blu-ray/DVD 3 7 days
Total items checked out: 5





如果读者没有未付的罚款、过期的资料,图书可以续借 or library account blocks. See details and restrictions below.

  • Two (2) renewals are allowed per item. Renewal of Circulating Books, Circulating Software and Music CDs may be done by phone, online or in person.
    • 以下资料不能通过电话或网络续借:《2022世界杯买球盘口》、《2022世界杯买球盘口》 Software and Blu-ray/DVD.
    • 逾期材料可在缴纳滞纳金后亲自补领 others have not placed a hold request on the item.
      • 项目必须提交续期和罚款,如果逾期.


Hold Requests/Transfers


一些循环项目可能会被搁置并转移到另一个校区. Circulating materials may be returned at any campus.

  • Items are held for 3 days at the requested campus.
  • The patron is notified by a courtesy e-mail and/or text message.
  • 图书馆没有资料预约系统,不能保证资料的可用性 of materials for dates in the future.
  • 以下材料不能搁置或转移到其他校区: due to the high demand and/or a short checkout period.
    • Blu-ray/DVD
      • Circulating Blu-ray/DVD
      • Classroom (A/V) Faculty Use Only
    • Classroom Software
    • Music CDs
    • Reserves



Overdue Charges

罚款按日计算,除非2022世界杯买球盘口放假和 events. All fines are handled through the Circulation Department. Any unresolved fines 或者未归还的物品会阻止所有借阅特权,并可能导致大学延期 records.


Overdue charges for materials are listed below. Note that the fine amount is per each overdue item.

*逾期罚款最高为每件$25或补领费用加处理费用 fee of the item whichever is greater. If there is a dispute regarding the charges 经评估后,读者可提交一份“图书馆收费上诉”表格,本局会予以考虑 by the Library Executive Directors.


Fine Amounts per item
Circulating Materials Overdue Charge Maximum Charge*
Audio Books $0.25 per day $25.00
Books $0.25 per day $25.00
Music CDs $0.25 per day $25.00
Software $0.25 per day $25.00
DVD/VHS $0.50 per day $25.00



Damaged Materials
A librarian will evaluate the damaged material for possible repair.

  • 当损坏的材料可以修复时,需要支付15美元的修理费.
  • 如果材料损坏无法修复,将向顾客收取更换费用 cost of the material and a $15 processing fee.
    • 本馆恕不接受更换个人购买的资料.
    • 被判定损坏无法修复的物品,如果更换,将退还给顾客 and processing charges are paid at the time of return. If charges are not paid at 借书时间、借书费用将由借书人的图书馆账户和图书馆管理员支付 item will not be returned to the patron, but discarded.


Lost Materials
如果资料丢失,将向用户收取资料补发费用 and a $15 processing fee.

  • 本馆恕不接受更换个人购买的资料.
  • 遗失物品一经认领,恕不退款,即使顾客后来认领 finds the item.


图书馆可接受现金或支票付款(须出示适当证件) Circulation Desk.

  • 财务处会对所有退回的支票加收服务费.
  • 社区图书馆的读者可以在会计办公室用信用卡/借记卡付款 after making arrangements with the Library.

The Library will not accept:

  • Two party checks
  • Temporary checks
  • Checks in the absence of a corresponding driver’s license.
    • 驾驶执照号码和执照有效期将被记录在支票上.
  • Out of state checks



社区用户不能通过以下途径申请馆际互借卡或TexShare卡 并应向其公共图书馆申请这些服务.



  • Patron must return to the Circulation Desk if the alarm sounds.
  • 在确定警报原因之前,读者将留在借阅台 and resolved.


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